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IAK Compassion

Nous n'avons qu'un seul foyer.
En trouvant des moyens de travailler ensemble,
nous pouvons faire la différence.

IAK Earth

We only have one home.

Notre association (Interessensgemeinschaft Asiatische Kultur e.V.) décline toute responsabilité quant au contenu des liens externes ainsi qu’aux services ou produits proposés par les partenaires répertoriés sur ce site web.

Local Partners

(Available for non-profit organizations and associations in Switzerland)

Traditional music demonstration

Local Partners

Educational Partners
(Available for educational institution.)

School Building

Educational Partners

Global Partners

(Available for non-profit organizations and associations outside of Switzerland)

World Flags

Global Partners

Media Partners
(Available for Media from all over the world.)

Cameramen Lined Up

Media Partners

Corporate Partners

(Available for registered organizations & companies.)

River in city

Corporate Partners

Local Community Partners


(Available for local hotels, restaurants, shops, and small business owners. )

Buffet Party

Local Community Partners

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